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26. Januar 2025

10. Januar 2025

5. Januar 2025

27. December 2024

23. December 2024

19. December 2024

2. December 2024

30 November 2024

23 November 2024

17. November 2024

15. November 2024

10. November 2024

4. November 2024

26 October 2024

24 October 2024

17 October 2024

3 October 2024

26 September 2024

19 September 2024

6 September 2024

4 September 2024

18 August 2024

5 July 2024

23 June 2024

20 June 2024

6 June 2024

23. May 2024

8. May 2024

19. April 2024

18. April 2024

15. April 2024

8. April 2024

3. April 2024

25. Marts 2024

22. Marts 2024

20. Marts 2024

15. Marts 2024

15. Marts 2024

8. Marts 2024

1. Marts 2024

25. Februrary 2024

23. Februrary 2024

17. Februrary 2024

1. Februrary 2024

27. January 2024

21. January 2024

13. January 2024

9. January 2024

30. December 2023

26. December 2023

20. December 2023

1. December 2023

27. November 2023

26. November 2023

22. November 2023

16. November 2023

28. October 2023

17. October 2023

29. September 2023

28. August 2023

18. August 2023

5. August 2023

6. July 2023

29. Juni 2023

22. Juni 2023

4. May 2023

7. April 2023

31. March 2023

27. February 2023

8. February 2023

15. January 2023

30. December 2022

24. December 2022

Merry Chrismas

16. December 2022

11. December 2022

27. November 2022

25. November 2022

17. November 2022

7. November 2022

5. November 2022

3. November 2022

30. September 2022

7. September 2022

1. August 2022

25. July 2022

22. July 2022

15. July 2022

7. July 2022

19. June 2022

14. June 2022

12. June 2022

14. May 2022

12. May 2022

30. April 2022

14. March 2022

14. March 2022

4. March 2022

12. February 2022

27. December 2021

10. December 2021

26. November 2021

21. November 2021

19. November 2021

4. November 2021

30. Oktober 2021

28. September 2021

17. September 2021

14. September 2021


Today we have for the first time introduced Sunshine Bass here at Moesholm Put&Take.

13. August 2021


Today we have reopened for fishing at Moesholme Put and Take!

3. June 2021

As our supplier of fish has been tested positive with IHN virus, Moesholm Put and Take has been quarantined by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administraions, which is why we are closed to fishing and traffic at our lake.

We will reopen as soon as possible, but have no information of, when that will be.

We will of course write here, whenever we have any news.

29. May 2021

10. Mai 2021

26. Februrary 2021

8. January 2021

31. December 2020

27. December 2020

24. December 2020

1. December 2020

30. November 2020

27. November 2020

18. November 2020

14. November 2020

06. November 2020

27. September 2020

21. September 2020

07. June 2020

29. May 2020

23. April 2020

20. Februar 2020

13. Februar 2020

31. January 2020

25. January 2020

26. December 2019

17. November 2019

24. October 2019

19. September 2019

23. August 2019

21. July 2019

2. June 2019

18. May 2019

25. April 2019

17. April 2019

14. April 2019

2. April 2019

28. March 2019

16. March 2019

24. February 2019

15. February 2019

10. February 2019

19. Januar 2019

13. Januar 2019

31. December 2018

28. December 2018

22. December 2018

23. November 2018

15. November 2018

4. November 2018

4. November 2018

20. October 2018

20. October 2018

13. October 2018

24. September 2018

11. June 2018

08. June 2018

19. May 2018

15. April 2018

13. April 2018

1. April 2018

31. March 2018

29. March 2018

28. March 2018

25. March 2018

21. March 2018

20. January 2018

31. December 2017

24. December 2017

25. June 2017

11. March 2017

25. February 2017

09. January 2017

17. December 2016

23. October 2016

21. September 2016

13. July 2016

18. June 2016

11. June 2016

15. April 2016

25. March 2016

09. March 2016

13. March 2016

09. March 2016

06. March 2016

23. January 2016

17. January 2016

02. October 2015

09. September 2015

22. August 2015

22. July 2015

03. July 2015

20. Juni 2015

08. April 2015

07. March 2015

04. March 2015

21. April 2014

Easter Monday

The Easter holiday is coming to a close seemingly much too soon. After a slightly poor start, Easter ended in splendid spring weather. The trees are covered in the brightest green leaves and clouds of pollen drift across the lake from time to time. There's been a lot of life both in and around the lake during Easter.

As we have mentioned previously, the lake has been stocked with many kilos of fish both before and during Easter. This meant that a lot of guests have caught something and of course, the weather has dictated the usual fluctuation in when the fish bite.

Jan and his son-in-law from Randers were at the lake from early morning today. Briefly after they had arrived, 2 german guests also arrived. The two parties chose the same corner of the lake and a small match of nations commenced. Both parties had a 3 hour pass.

Just before the final whistle, we came by and when the match concluded, Denmark had landed the most fish with 11 to 7, but Germany had the largest fish which weighed in at just under 4kg.

Below you can see a shot of the "playing field" from either end.

6. April 2014

A picture from a cold but lovely day at Moesholm Put and take

5. April 2013


In the beginning of april we have reached one of the milestones of this year; with the restock this week, we have already released a full tonne of fish since january 1st! Without having checked all the details of the paperwork, it will be tangent on a new record in terms of how early we have released this much. Of course, this is all due to the mild winter and the wonderful weather in march.

We have also mowed the grass on the south facing slope for the first time. It's always something special which seems to bear tidings of spring.

Indeed, spring is close, but today wasn't like spring at all. This means you have to be prepared for the changeable april weather like Frederik here with a lambs skin to sit on and a wool blanket for his legs.

Frederik is from Ordrup by Copenhagen and is on vacation in a summerhouse on Djursland this week where he's chosen to visit us at the lake a few times. Today he was quite happy with his takings: 3 very respectable rainbow trout were in the grass when we came by - and that can help anyone stay warm.

5. November 2013

Storm and fish

No doubt that autumn has come after the recent storm, in spite of the mild weather. The storm didn't just tear leaves from the trees, but also trees from the soil! The road to the lake was blocked for a brief while, but we managed to clear up quickly and soon we will tidy up completely.

There are lots of reasons to come fishing at Moesholm right now. We broke a couple of records during october with the biggest single release at 510kg! In total, october also set a new record.

The fish in the recent releases are joining a sizeable stock from the late summer releases and the lake is heaving with activity. A German family from Hannover proved this today as they spent 3 hours at the lake. They are having a vacation in a summerhouse by Ebeltoft and have been at the lake several times during the week. After their catch today, they can certainly enjoy fish for the rest of their holiday and then some.

Here you can see the happy family with their catch when the day was over.

11. October 2013

Flaming forest

The pleasant mild weather appears to continue with no end this year. We are approaching the middle of the first true autumnal month and the forest is exploding in breathtaking nuances of orange and yellow. Wind and rain seem to be holding back so far, so the trees are managing to hold on to their palette for longer than usual. All this creates a lovely backdrop for fishing at Moesholm right now.

Søren and Simon from Tranbjerg didn't find Moesholm until recently. During their first visit, Simon was rewarded with a couple of fish but their most recent visit meant it was Søren's turn to get some action on the line.
When we went past them, 3 beautiful rainbows ranging up to 5.5kg were on land. In the picture below is Søren with the larger of the 3 - all caught on the fly.

But this wasnt' the end of it for the two. Just after taking the picture, Søren resumed his casting and promptly had another solid take - while Simon (still without a catch) was busy changing flies. We were on the spot and managed to get some great footage of Søren fighting the fish. We did see Simon fighting a fish a bit later on, but unfortunately he didn't manage to land it. 

Click HERE to see the film of Søren fighting his 4th rainbow of the day. 

15. September 2013


The weather has started turning and surely gardeners, farmers and fishermen were at the end of their tether with the very long dry and warm period which has come to an end.

The water in the lake has clear benefits of the drop in temperature and longer nights. Instantly, we could confirm that the fish are more active even during the day. Because of this, we are now releasing more fish as is the sensible thing to do this time of year. This should supplement the already ample summer stock nicely.

From now on, our placement amongst the trees will be more benefit as shelter and before long the foliage will explode in beautiful autumn colours.

17. May 2013

Whitsun Holiday

During the past week we have witnessed a true explosion of green here at Moesholm. After the season seems to have been holding back, we have had sudden heat and rain - which has certainly set things in motion. It's incredibly beautiful here right now. The added work with cutting the grass is a small price that we are happy to pay.

Before spring took hold, we had the distinct and rare pleasure of a White-tailed Eagle visiting the lake. A fantastic experience that we shared with one of our loyal family visitors from Germany. We managed to capture a very short video of dubious quality of the giant bird - dubbed as the flying door because of it's rather impressive wingspan. Click here. to watch the video.

A few hours later, the Osprey came to visit us as well and we managed to get a fine shot of it which you can see here. That simply completed an amazing day which reminded us what a lovely area Moesholm is located in. 

Neither of the eagles managed to catch any fish that day, but many of our human visitors are catching fish right now. Several have secured enough fish for the whole of the Whitsun holiday. In the photo below, 3 guys from Trige (near Aarhus) were visiting Moesholm for the first time. When we caught them, they had been there 2 of the 3 hours on their card and they had just landed fish number 9! We didn't get the final tally, but from what we could gather, it was upwards of 20 fish. 

15. April 2013

Lovely weekend

What an amazing weekend we've had. The relatively hard frosty nights vaporized during the week and we have finally had the courage to open up the cleaning area again. Just in time, because it's been well used during the past weekend.

The ground has also thawed so we have also managed to renovate the road and get rid of all those treacherous potholes.

The days with warmer weather have also has an almost instant and profound effect on the fish. Very few guests have left empty handed during the weekend and most have caught enough to stock their freezer for at least a few days. One guest even managed to take 15 fish during a 4 hour session!

One of the lucky was Danny. He recently moved from Aarhus to a nearby village and came over this weekend to hear about the lake that his friends had recommended. He hadn't flexed his flyrod for over a year but he had a take and set the hook in his 3rd cast. We saw him fight the fish and he certainly hadn't forgotten the craft. After a great fight, he landed a beautiful 3,6kg rainbow trout - his debut fish here at Moesholm Put & Take.

14. March 2013


"Christmas lasts until Easter", goes a danish song; but that is of course not necessarily true. What is true this year, is that winter is lasting at least until Easter. The thermometer showed -15 degrees when we woke up to a beautiful Palm Sunday.

It has been like that for quite a while. The small whisk is completely iced up, but the big one is holding up so far. In the mornings, there's a patch of open water around it and during the day, a larger area with thin ice succumbs and thaws - providing plenty of opportunity for fishing.

The cold and the snow has definitely kept guests at home, but on a sunny day like today about 10 fishermen defied the cold and seemed to be enjoying the sun around the lake.

The fishing seems to be ok. Ole, one of our regular flyfishermen, was one of several who caught something today. He landed a beautiful rainbow trout which weighed in at around 3,5kg. Ole showed us the fly the fish took and the hook had snapped off! Just as his friend gets the net under the fish, the hook snapped and the fish fell into the net. That takes some luck!

Our resident otter appears to be having an easy time with the cold and drowsy fish. There are fresh tracks in the snow around the waters edge where we can see it's been gliding in and out and occasionally a crow or two is finishing up the elegant fisherman's midnight feast. It costs a fish from the lake from time to time, but we are happy to pay that insignificant price to have such a distinguished night-time guest and live in such amazing nature that both we and our guests can enjoy all year round.

03. November 2012

Juniors visit

Hat and gloves are now necessary when going outside. We have had temperatures all the way down to minus 8 and had to close the toilets and cleaning area in an attempt to escape the burst pipes we have been prone to in the past couple of years. Now the water is on again, but guests can expect we close it again if we get more frost.

The juniors from Langå fishing club have been for a visit. They has also dressed for the cold weather but were lucky to have excellent weather and could enjoy a bbq with hotdogs outdoors. They managed to get some good fishing done and with the help of a couple of the adults they landed 7 rainbow trout and 2 beautiful browns.

In the picture you can see the group of kids and their catch.

21. June 2012


Summer solstace is around the corner and the days will slowly grow shorter again. Early summer has been more or less nonexistent this year. With an average temperature 3 degrees below average for the season, the watertemperature has also been low and at the time of writing, it is hovering around 17 celcius.

As a consequence, we don't have lazy fish swimming around in the surface and all released fish are surviving. If this continues, we will have released a total of 3 tonnes after next weeks stock is released!

Even without the expected summery weather, we have actually had some lovely sunny evenings without too much wind and it's always been possible to find a warm sheltered spot by the lake. Here at Moesholm, many of our guest choose to bring a picnic. With our ample parking, you never have to carry things far. Guests are always welcome to enjoy a meal by the lake - even have a barbeque. We only ask that people use the bins and tidy up after themselves and fortunately we can confirm that almost everyone does this.

Lars and Nanna from Risskov choose to have a barbeque before an evening of fishing last night, and clear sunny still weather provided the perfect conditions for a summer-menu with prawns, strawberries and a glass of wine.



8. May 2012

Poor weather - great fishing

The weather has been behaving as if April lasts for longer than a month and stretches into the beginning of May. During the first week, we've had guest sunning themselves by the lake in shirtsleeves and less, but other days, it's been thick winter coats, gloves and scraping ice off the car windscreen in the morning. That's typical Danish spring weather for you. 

We've had some great fishing and are now releasing about 200kg every week. We expect to keep that level for a while and we have already exceeded 2 tones for the year already. 

Along with spring comes an increasing number of foreign guests. A group of 6 german friends from Hamburg who rented a summerhouse by Knebel, came to Moesholm for the first time last year. This spring they returned and had a great day in spite of a cold and blustery sky. 

When I went down to see them, they had 10-12 fish landed already, 2 of which were gold trout. Before they left, that number had doubled - costing them some extra hours, which paid off well. The largest was about 5kg, shown in the picture below. 

1. April 2012

April Fools

You would think that the weather is playing an April fools trick on us this year. Yesterday we woke up to a snowcovered landscape and it turned into a cold and windy day.

Today the water was frozen around the gutting station and there was a beautiful covering of dew surrounding the lake. We’d had the whisks running all night just to be sure. When we got up and turned them off, the water was a mirror of the skies.

Unfortunately, the wind picked up quite early on and it got cold. Fortunately it didn’t seem to keep the guests away and some of them even found it easy to keep warm!

A visitor from Randers had been lured out by a friend who recently caught a 6.2kg fish here at Moesholm. He had plenty to keep him warm during his stay and when this photo was taken he had 4 very beautiful rainbow trout from about 1kg to the fun side of 4kg. He even managed to catch one of the tricky gold trout. As you can see in the photo, he seemed to have fish enough for the easter feast during the coming week.

The last guests to come by today – also from Randers – had the fortune of landing one of our brown trout. The biggest catch of the day was a young lad they brought. He caught his first fish ever: Rainbow trout weighing in at a whopping 5kg. Way to go!

14. January 2012

Good start

After 2 consecutive years with only icefishing as an option, this winter is certainly something different entirely. Unfortunately, with the warm weather comes rain and wind with only a few, but particularly nice days.

In the weekend just gone, we had some very clear and cool weather much more seasonal tha previous, and the ice has slowly sarted to form on the lake. We have had the whisks going and they have managed to keep over half the lake ice and several guests have been out to take advantage of the conditions.

One of the guests was Claus - the man who set a personal best at the lake during Christmas just gone - and this time he brought his friend Rene. By the time I came down to chat, Claus had already caught a nice rainbow at just below the 2kg mark. He was no less pleased than with his personal best, as this fish had taken his home tied "Yellow Dancer" fly! 

While I was photographing Claus, we suddenly heard Rene cry out: "got one hooked!" Rene was wielding a small 5' rod and it was certainly put to the test. I managed to capture a video of the fight, which you can watch here

As you can see from the video, he managed to land the fish, which weighed in at a whopping 5,2kg. There's a shot of a happy Rene here.

Which of the two came home with the greatest day, I am actually unsure...

18. December 2011

Mild pre-Christmas 

It's only about 1 week until Christmas and we can confirm that so far, neither cold nor ice or snow has been bothering us this year. We are hovering around freezing during the night and to avoid any burst pipes, we have closed the cleaning area for the winter. We will keep the toilets open as long as possible and of course our little heated "warming" room will stay open for the whole winter.

Mild weather means rather a lot of rain and we have also had several storms, snapping a couple of the old and really large sycamore trees. We have now removed the last of the ones which looked a bit too old and tired. This makes the area around the house look a bit empty and we will be planting some new trees in the spring to compensate.

In regards to the fishing, the weather has probably affected the chances of a catch and it has been fairly quiet by the lake. Today the weather was very nice for the first time in a while, and we had a good turnout of visitors. Among todays fishermen, was Claus from Mørke who caught a very nice looking 6kg rainbow - we congratulate Claus on a new personal best.

Always nice to see such a beautiful fish and feel it's representative of the stock we have!

10. August 2011

Late summer 

During the latter part of July and into august we did manage some nice weather after all. Temperatures have crept up to 25 degrees in the shade. The water temperature climbed up as well and we measured 23 degrees on the hottest days.
As usual, the warm water meant that the fish lowered their appetite and on the sunniest days it has been a great challenge to get bites. 

We have now had a change of weather and more cool windy and rainy weather has returned. We have been under 10 degrees in the night here at Moesholm. The lake is also cooling rapidly and provides amazing scenery in the morning mist, as you can see from thE picture below. 

The drop in temperature in combination with another 200 kg released this week to join the many fish already in the lake, should provide the basis for some very exciting fishing indeed in the coming months. 

06. June 2011

First days of summer 

May was a mixed blessing of rain, wind and occasional sunshine, but June has turned the tables. After a nice but windy Ascension Day, we have had blazing sunshine from a clear blue sky.

  We have enjoyed full days at the lake with prams, bbq and picnics in the shade of the large trees. Guest have been sunbathing, and many have been grateful for the opportunity to fish from sun or shade.

In the past weeks we have released between 175 and 200kg per week. It's always a pleasure to have John drop by with new stock and many of the guests are surprised by the size of the fish we release. As one guest noted, we can always hope that "the new ones are less bright than the old ones".

  Below, you can see 175kg being released just before Ascension Day holiday and the next 200kg have already been ordered.

24. April 2011


What fantastic Easter weather we are having this year. The surroundings seem to have exploded in green within 3 days and many guests have chosen to spend part of their holiday at the lake. Some simply sunbathing, and others busy catching a fair number of fine rainbows.

On the below picture, the Nielsen's - some of our most loyal guests - are taking a break in the sun and enjoying their catch of a small handful of trout including a nice 6kg specimen.

6kg may sound like a lot, but this spring has seen some even larger trout being landed. In gale-force winds just before Easter, two brothers came by the lake. They battled a bit with the wind, but forgot about the weather when they realised they were on to a winner catch. They landed nearly 10 trout with the largest clocking in at 9kg.

In spite of all this, 9kg isn't even the record this year. We have released trout exceeding 10kg and have had reports of an 11kg trout being caught. If you are the lucky fisherman/woman or know the angler, we would appreciate if you could send us a picture.

11. Februar 2011

Open again

After a lengthy period where frost and snow has put a total stop to fishing at Moesholm, the tides have now turned and the ice has melted enough to permit fishing most of the lake. We've already had some guests since the thaw and we have the first reports of good catches - the past weekend a 6-7kg trout was landed.

Naturally, we are unable to predict how the weather will behave in the months to come, but slowly the sun is regaining its power and the days are getting noticably longer. We expect to be able to keep at least part of the lake free from ice, even if another cold spell should appear.

  In case the winter returns in full force, we will inform you here.

03. November 2010

End of Summertime

The clocks have been changed and thus summertime is officially over. October seems to have engaged the autumn a bit early and the weather has certainly been more autumnal than usual.

We managed to release 800kg during october, including some fish over 8kg. We have neither seen nor heard of anyone catching any of the big ones, so there's certainly a change of a prize catch.

Because the big fish are still around, we have decided to focus on sizes up to 2-3 kg for the first release in november - 150kg. So the lake is full of fine fish and some whoppers in between.

The local fishingclubs on Djursland had their yearly competition at the lake during october. In spite of the weather, their tent was full of participants who all had a hot meal in shelter from the rain.
The largest fish caught during the competition was 5,5kg - see here

25. September 2010

Change of weather

We can feel that the weather has changed during September. The warm coats have been dug out from the cupboards and the fish seem to have refound their feeding instincts. With a lot of visitors and hungry fish, September releases should total aroung 700kg.

This week we have had some beautiful autumnal evenings after a period with rain and wind, which has lead to some really interesting fishing in the last golden hours of the day. Even the days with a hard gale we have had a lot of visitors and we are thankful that there's always several sheltered spots regarless of the winddirection.

At the moment the fish seam to be biting on all varieties of bait - spinners, powerbait, lures and fly are all success. On the picture below, a german guest is fighting a fish caught on powerbait in the background, while a local visitor is fighting his 3rd fish in 45 minutes all caught on fly.

"One every 15 minutes is just fine for me", he comments after he landed it safely and resumed his fruitful endavour.

30. August 2010

Rain and wind
It seems that the unseasonal weather has continued into august. When the rain and wind finally came, it did so with increased strength, turning august into one of the wettest since recording began.

The consequence of all this rain, is that the water level in the lake is at maximum, and the drains have kicked in. In combination with the strong wind, the result is dropping water temperature, much to the benefit of the fish. After the initial careful and conservative release of smaller fish in the beginning of the month, we have decided to start getting the population up and this week we released another batch with fish up to 5kg in size. We hope to be able to start releasing some really big ones (+ 5kg) in a couple of weeks.
During august we have released a total of just over 500kg!

We have been blessed with another priviledged visit from the rare osprey this year. It visited us every day for 4-5 days recently and several of our guests have been lucky to see it diving for fish. As with all fishing, it was with varying results.
Here's a photo of the osprey having a break from fishing in one of the birches by the lake.

31. Juli 2010

We have just witnessed several weeks of sun, heat and absolutely no wind. Because Moesholm is situated at the edge of a forest, surrounded by trees and low bankings, the temperature has soared to 30 degrees on a daily basis. Those who fish, have been doing so in shorts and no tshirt. Those who don’t fish, have just dazed on the grass, enjoying the summer.

With a long hot period, the water temperature has increased accordingly and has almost reached critical levels. Recently we experienced the consequence of this, as a fairly large amount of recently released trout couldn’t handle the change from the cooler waters of the fishery to the warm waters at Moesholm, and so we have had to spend time regularly fishing out dead trout. We apologize for this, and hope for at least some rain and a period with some wind, so the trout don’t have to stand the test of the hot summer and our guests can catch the fish rather than see them floating.

Last weekend, we added another oxygenating whisk to the lake and hope that this will help the quality of the water. We will reevaluate the situation at the end of the summer and take further measures if necessary.

For now, rain and wind has been forecast and I’m sure the fish look forward to it.

In spite of the trouble for the fish, our guests have been enjoying themselves and made the most of their trip. BBQs on the go and a nice glass of red wine by the lake. This family from Blokhus chose to order from the local Pizzaria and enjoyed their food at the lake on a completely still and very warm summers eve.

5. Juli 2010

Heat and a New Mascot
Finally summer. People are enjoying the weather by the lake, basking in the sun and relaxing while trying to catch one of the increasingly sluggish fish. In the evenings, portable barbeques are lit and the catch is carefully prepared and enjoyed with a beer or a glass of white wine. It's always lovely when summer arrives.
There are advantages to the cold winter and cool, blustery spring: The lake is completely full and the watertemperature is lower than usual at this time of year.

We have a new mascot by the lake - Palle. About 1 month ago, 3 goslings turned up without adults. The two following nights 2 of them disappeared, but contrary to expectations, the last one stayed around. In spite of eating leftover fishingline and getting tangled up occasionally, he's hanging in there.
We encourage everyone to tidy up after themselves and others. and respect the notice that dogs should be kept on a leash.

31. May 2010

The End of May
The end of May is nigh and according to DMI (Danish Meterological Institute) it's the coldest May for 15 years! In addition to the cold, we've also had an unusually windy spring. We have yet to look forward to the bursts of nice calm and warm weather, where the fishing trips aren't just about fishing but also about enjoying the nature around us.

Part of Whitsun holiday was perfect, however and we had a good amount of visitors at the lake. Having released 175kg the week before Whitsun, we've now been able to increase the releases to 200kg pr. week.

A sure sign of higher temperatures is how hard it is to make the fish bite. It's no longer as forgiving fishing as in the early spring, but everybody surely welcomes the challenge.

This group of friends from Bremerhaven in Germany did show that it's still possible to come home with the evening meal secured.

8. May 2010


After the long and far too cold and windy April, we can only hope for a warm and pleasant spring. At least the colours have started changing into green around the end of April, so the forest should explode in fresk spring green during May. We haven't had many warm quiet days so far, so the question remains: "Will May be mild?" With very few days where our guests have enjoyed a bbq by the lake in the evening, this is surely an atypical spring.

Adding this weeks release to the year total, we have now reached 1200kg. The ice this spring meant that we started releasing quite a bit later than previous years, but to make up for it, we have added 170kg of fish to the lake pr. week. This should help get the lake to the high standard we wish to be able to provide our guests with.

As you can see, things are looking up and people have started visiting the lake in the evenings.

21. April 2010

Spring delayed.

Compared to 2009, spring seems to be delayed. This morning we woke up to what can best be described as a snowscape, but as the day went on you could feel the warmth from the mild white sunlight of early spring. I suppose that's what April weather is like.

The cold and windy days can make it slightly harder to enjoy a days fishing for some, but of course that doesn't mean that the fishing is bad. 3 friends from Holland have been visiting Moesholm in their spring holiday for the past 8 years and this year was no exception. Their experience with our lake must have provided them with an advantage today, as they had great success this morning.

5. April 2010

Easter holiday has ended.

Easter holiday was a somewhat mixed blessing, at least if you wanted to catch some trout. The weather has only for short periods been really good and as a result, the number of visitors at the lake has fluctuated throughout the holidays.

We continue to release fish into the lake at a high rate to rebuild the stock after winter. We have released 150 kg before Easter, 200 kg early Easter and another 200 kg during the week. In total we have released 550 kg rainbow trout in less than 2 weeks - and we will keep up the pace.

Part of the releases will be fish on the fun side of 5 kg, as the shown below. This one was caught with little luck by Carsten and Anders.